Tuesday 28 August 2012

The Art of the Imperfect

Artist Phil Hansen gave a TED talk on how he "embraced the shake", his limitation and harnessed potential in his creativity. He throws a thought at us that perhaps instead of telling each other to 'seize the day', perhaps we should say 'seize the limitation'. He's right. What if, everytime we hit a brick wall in things we're up against, we decipher ways to embrace the limitations that we have? What if, when I faced writer's block, I used words to make a painting in a somewhat 'free association' sense; would it help to let out what I'm trying to say?
     But really, how feasible is this idea? There are many children who grow up forced to study things that they do not have a capacity for or do not want to embrace the capacity. How would they embrace their limitations? How would they step back from their miniscule look to see the big picture and change it?
     Somehow, I feel compelled to say that this could only apply in the world of art and creativity where you have the freedom to test the waters and 'step out of the box'.
     But, if one actually thinks about it, one realises that this world runs on those limitations being pushed. Every scientific experiment, every technological development, it's all someone somewhere who pushed the limits or used the limits differently. So, the real question possibly is,
                                  "How do we learn to embrace our limitations?"

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