Wednesday 29 August 2012


In primary sense, putting interest of others before one's own is known as altruism. The term 'altruism' was coined by Auguste Comte in 1851 from the Italian word 'altrui' which means 'others'. It literally means 'otherism'. The concept of altruism appears in most moral systems. The key aspect to altruism lies in "thinking about the good and nature of relationships and states that the question of what is owed to others, both in connection with particular obligations and generally, should occupy a central place."

A true altruist is a one who believes in selflessness and carries out his obligations to others without any consideration of his own self-interest. for example, when we cross a busy road and help someone cross along with us, that is not altruism. But when we help someone cross the road without considering whether we need to or not, that is altruism.

The founder of the concept of altruism believed that "individuals had a moral obligation to renounce self-interest and live for others." Comte says in his Catechisme Positiviste that, "social points of view cannot tolerate the notion of rights, for such notion rests on individualism. We are born under a load of obligation of every kind, to our predecessors, to our successors, to our contemporaries. After our birth these obligations increase or accumulate, for it is sometimes before we can return this service...This ['to live for others'], the definitive formula of human morality, gives us a direct sanction exclusively to our instincts of benevolence, the common source of happiness and duty. [Man must serve] Humanity whose we are entirely."

Altruism is an extreme concept.There is nothing called "true altruism" in practice. But whenever the term altruism is said, the name that comes immediately to my mind is Mother Teresa. She was as altruist as any individual could be. She gave up her life for the needy and poor. She says that, "By blood I am an Albanian. By citizenship an Indian. By faith I am a catholic. As to my calling, I belong to the world. As to my heart, I belong entirely to the heart of Jesus."

Mother Teresa is one in a million, and in reality, every deed which is enacted by an individual has a motive. The motive may not be money or power but it will then be pleasure or satisfaction. The practical aspect of altruism has often been criticized and, "critics have been quick to say that neither kin selection or reciprocal selection is 'true altruism' because of course  there is an advantage to the actors themselves in both kinds of case...Among conscious and and reflective human beings it might be expected that principles, beliefs, affections and interests and a sense of greater good might trump self-interests and even self-preservation at times-and that they often do." Hence, altruism may exist literally but it cannot exist in reality.

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