Monday 27 August 2012

One and half an hour at KFC

LOCATION – KFC in forum mall
TIME - 5:30 PM

SCENE 1 - A girl in her sweet seventeen is laughing like anything.She has a young boy (most probably her boyfriend) beside her and a bowl of fig ice-cream on the table.May be,this may be the moment she awaited for. Although most lovers used to meet everyday, small gaps between daily meetings give them a feel that they are waiting for hours to see each other.They like to count time
not in terms of minutes. Instead they like the ‘second system’. 600 seconds is always larger than 10 minutes in terms of number,in terms of romance.

SCENE 2 - Girl moved her hair gently behind her ears as it happened to jump

to her forehead and disturbed her eyelids.The boy,tall, handsome with shaved
moustache and frameless spectacles was just smiling at her.Its always like
that.Most boys have control over laughing(at least in public)but girls don’t.Girls
laugh as they lost their nuts(not all but a few).The laughing beauty adorned
in red salwar kameez with her free hair and a long ear ring and a simple chain
around her neck is shining like an angel in the boy’s eye.

SCENE 3 - The boy with his one hand around her neck took a small spoon of

icecream with his other hand and gave it to her.Its better to say that he feeded
her.As it was around 6:30pm,there was a good rush in KFC.The behaviour of
these two seems to feel that they are the only people there.

SCENE 4 - The boy started speaking about many incidents in his life.He gave

himself a heroic figure in all these incidents.The girl heard all these with great
patience looking in to his eyes without a blink.Her eyes says how much she is
proud in this moment to get such a hero as her boyfriend.Most girls likes to
believe that their boyfriend is the best in this world(in most cases its only a
blind belief).

SCENE 5 - Both are looking eye to eye.No job for their tounge.Now heart

speak eyes transmit it in the form of ‘something’.This ‘something’ is not

yet discovered by scientists.For the time being call it some sort of waves.

SCENE 6 - One hour and twenty minutes passed away.For the next 10

minutes they started preparing to leave.Their preparation include fixing the
day for next dating.They left leaving behind the red plastic tray with the sticker
of KFC,a transparent glass bowl with a little bit of watery icecream and a used
tissue paper.

SCENE - A group of boys occupied the same table.Darkness blanketed the

banglore city.More people came and left KFC.As usual banglore continued its
busy hangouts.

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